Setting Goals

Ok, so this should be easy, right? Let’s sit down and write the top goal for ourselves. Strength? Speed? Improved memory? Wait, which one to pick. There are so many! How do I even start?!


Yes, there are probably 101 things you could set a goal for, but let’s pick one. Better yet, let’s pick one for Taekwondo.

This could be a goal of gaining more flexibility, or maybe getting faster. Maybe it’s just to practice more. The old saying “It takes 21 days to form a habit” is greatly debated, some people thinking it takes 66 days, or about 2 months, to form a habit.

In an article written in 2009 by Gretchen Ruben, titled “Stop Expecting to Change Your Habit in 21 Days”, she points out that some people are more resistant to habit development than others and it can also depend on what habit you are trying to develop.

Either way, it takes a bit of will power. So, to set a goal - in this case, for Taekwondo.

Rebecca Childs